Select 16 characters from the left-character display menu to continue
Click on each desired character picture to add to the selected character menu on the right
Each chosen character has a set of descriptive attributes
Once the game begins, a mystery character will be selected from your collection
The object of the game is guess the mystery character by guessing their name
You will need to ask qustions specific to character traits to rule out non-mystery characters
The questions below are organized by category
Use the arrow up and down keys to choose what qustion you would like to ask, left and right arrow keys to choose the category, and space bar to ask the selected question
The answer will appear in the questions pane on the right, along with previously asked questions
You can click each character card to flip them over if you feel that you can rule that character out
Hovering over each character card will highlight their character traits
May the force be with you!
The questions below are organized by category
Use the arrow up and down keys to choose what qustion you would like to ask, left and right arrow keys to choose the category, and space bar to ask the selected question
The answer will appear in the questions pane on the right, along with previously asked questions
You can click each character card to flip them over if you feel that you can rule that character out
Hovering over each character card will highlight their character traits.